Thursday, 13 February 2020

Man obeying divine laws happy

Mother has made man perfectly happy, provided he obeys Divine Laws and leads a good life, becomes happier and happier as he goes nearer Mother. Our obedience pleases Mother and She blesses us with greater and greater happiness as our reward. In course of time our experience shows us that pleasure does not satisfy us, we get craving more and more and we soon get tired. It makes us soft and weak and often our health also suffers. We come to the conclusion that we can get maximum happiness out of this life , only by doing what is right and avoiding what is wrong. In due course  we get a conviction that there is no action as happiness bringing as doing good to others, with Love and Service.

We often find in this world , that due reward and punishment are not dealt out to all persons in this life , where we often find the good suffer and the wicked prosper. The answer to that is , there is a future life , and this life that we live is not simply to end with our death. If that were so, people would not have been suffering  for the sake of their virtues and principles, up to the last moment of their life, when again that state we have seen with people of highest brains and highest character. This life is therefore  partly giving us happiness here and here alone , and is partly as a probation period of a preparation for future life or lives.    This life is a serious and responsible thing, not to be trifled with, as our fancies drives us. The highest desire of a man should be , for a full knowledge of Truth and enjoyment of all innocent goodness.

People have often misunderstood God's or Mother's Grace. It does not invert justice nor give any exemption. It carries you most expeditiously with every protection and guidance , but surely, through the right channel, and teaching you to be fully obedient to the Divine Laws. If that were not so, every one would be breaking the law, shed few tears of right or wrong repentance , and the result would be , that the Divine Law would be the object of insignificance, ridicule and mockery. This extremely delusive notion, as result of greatest exaggeration, though not deliberate, and so very natural with them that have experienced Mother's Grace , must go. A safer thing would be , to get a direct answer from the Grace recipients on the point, and not to jump and run rampant, as you like,to form your own inferences and conclusions. Get your answer from your Grace recipients to the direct question," Is Mother's Mercy a licence? " Mother is not being to be trifled with.

688. We are bound to avoid all bad actions , words and thoughts. We can not always stop bad thoughts coming to us, but we can at least be displeased with them and try to banish them  and refuse to yield to them. Regarding what is good and bad , and right and wrong , in the preliminary stage, it is enough that one obeys the Inner Voice of Mother As Antaryaamini , which people, in general parlance, call "conscience". Conscience is ever alive and ever-awake reality within us, which notes and records everything of ours, issues warning from time to time , and bites us from painful stings  on our disobedience , during and after.

Not to speak of the rare cases of temptations, passions and provocations, the man who has practiced control over his six enemies enumerated before, is a much higher man, than one who has not known their working and has never practiced the strengthening of his will to be the  last succumbing to them. Not to use personification , we can call the six enemies to be our six vices  and one has to be extremely careful about his vices and virtues  and their doings in life. A certain virtue of a man is his strength of doing good actions  of a certain type , effortlessly, repeatedly and promptly. A certain vice is similarly an inclination towards bad actions , of certain nature which one drives one to the action, unless strongly controlled with a determined will and effort.

690. Elementarily, the spiritual aspirant may have the following notions , regarding the different terms while practising self-control.

Kama or Desire is the inner urge , which makes us indulge in thoughts and imaginations of a certain pleasure , usually denied.

Krodha or anger is the hot and strong feeling against somebody, who or which comes in the way of the fulfilment of our desires , which displeases us , and makes us attack, injure or destroy the disliked circumstances, objects or passions.

Lobha or avarice is a passionate desire of possession of things , which we can not possess in usual course , without going out of the righteous  and just way of things , which prompts us to be unfair , which disturbs our mind  with dis-content and makes us dead to the delicate feelings, in the matter of consideration for the happiness of others . The accelerated with the speed with which we desire  and strive for happiness and self-serving , more and more , and yet more , and with dis-content , is the broader variety of Lobha itself.

Mada or pried is an extremely over-exaggerated notion of ourselves, which results in our contempt and ill-treatment for and to others inferior to us, and a feeling of independence, easy provocation, and rebelliousness, against those that are superior to us.

Moha or infatuation is the climax condition of a certain desire, which makes you lose all your sense of judgement and action, and bodily and mental.

Matsar or jealousy , is the bitterness of heart experienced on seeing others happier , better off and possessed of certain qualities  or advantages more than you, which you do not possess, but are desirous of possessing.

Extract from the Mai-ism book edition 1952.

Thursday, 6 February 2020

The present state of ours

 The world is full of cries for peace. With so much bleeding experience, the world has not been able to find the direction which, if patiently pursued, will lead the world to peace and happiness. Why? The world is deceitful even in its cries for peace. It wants peace and happiness, without leaving an inch of its ground of selfishness and of rebelliousness against the Divine laws. It is the cry and weeping of a murderer when the constable approaches him to catch. The world wants peace and happiness while being allowed to be left to play any havoc as it likes. The experiences of the past are not yet enough, or rather, the tempest of desires and the darkness of ignorance is too frightful and thick. Or rather, with the fullest understanding, the rebelliousness is too emphatic. The mother says to a boisterous boy, binding him up with a rope "you have beaten my other children to bleeding; you beg pardon and promise not to repeat the atrocities again; I let you loose, not otherwise." The boy does not agree to that, does feel the pains of punishment and is weeping and shouting " Peace, Peace. Happiness." Let him pronounce " Pardon " and Peace will be there. Let him declare his allegiance and agree to obey Her " Halt "; and " Happiness " will be there.

    What is the present status of ours? Each man has learnt the art of being a dead wall to all others. None can know what is passing within each fortress. He wants all others to be entirely in the dark regarding his motives and intentions and his moves and moments. Language has ceased to command any trust whatsoever, for that is being shaped and used as one likes, without any relevance to the actualities. The presiding deity of the language and speech-world that can enforce truth-speaking has been hurled down. The speech is used, not for true communication, but for creating misunderstandings and perversions, to serve the wretched and wicked self. On a study of speech and action, one sees it in no time, that lie and falsehood have established their universal mastery, affording as they do, best and easiest escape (of course with fewest exceptions). One feels inclined to suspect, if there is any remnant of the world yet left, that knows that lie and falsehood are bad. Falsehood-utterance has become as automatic as breathing itself. Going to the thought-world, there too, the mastery of every cunning-ness has been reached. When language failed to create trust, people took the sinister and secret devilish ways that Intellect could create. There too, the saturation point was reached. The chances of the more intellectual persons to exploit the less gifted ones have been exhausted. Even children are showing the mightiest and deepest intellect in the matter of self-interest, self-security, self-pleasure and self-preservation and self-mastery. None could be cheated through language because each one takes another to be a liar, though not without courtesy and hypocrisy. None believes what another says, and none remains less intelligent to be caught up in the intellectual snares. All the worldly dealings have become like a serpent going to a serpent, and a pickpocket thrusting his hand into the empty pocket of another pickpocket. The language and speech-world has become full of poison, and the thought-world has become an ocean of devilish saltish waters of animosity and hatred, with dangerous depths and tempestuous waves.

    Where from can peace and happiness originate and proceed? To continue, which can be the third stage of still further degeneration ?? That stage is that of squeezing out the helpless. The helpless man too is not committing the error of not detecting the lie or not foreseeing the intellectual snare, but with open eyes, he curses his misfortune of being unhelpably helpless. Next, Helplessness goes on being created. You are made to move and made to leave your anchors and are pushed, although not tempted, to fall in the pit of helplessness.

    That stage of degeneration too has almost gone. People don't believe your speech, don't victimize themselves in intellectual snares, they develop the wisdom of preferring suffering to failing in your devilish hands out of helplessness. What next then, thereafter?? Last comes the terrible thing- the Brutal Force: " I want to snatch your things. I want to hurt you. I want to dispossess you. I want the money in your bank to be mine. I want to enslave you". "Why"?. " Because that is my wish. Because I am stronger than you. Because I can hurt you. I can even do away with your life". " Let us fight it out with every atrocity and bloodshed. You do your worst. I am doing my worst. "All these things are there, only speechlessly." Each man approaches another and makes his any demand at the point of a bayonet, and with a pistol held against the forehead. " Do as I command, or see, here you go." The world has banished all relationship except that of the Master and Slave. There is no true sweetness, that is not selfish hypo-critic and full of inward hatred. The sweetness, which a slave has to use to live or gain his object and the sweetness which the Master is pleased to dramatize as a pleasure, pastime and a mockery. Everyone is for getting a tight grip mastery with possession over all around him. There is nothing like justice or goodness and nothing like an appreciation of mercy or a gratefulness for goodness shown. Where is any room for gratefulness, when goodness itself is believed and viewed as weakness and conquered-ness? The stronger merely dictates his terms, does not brook any dissenting voice, does not want to be disturbed by any symptom of disobedience. The stronger wants the weaker to be constantly in memory of the worst that he is capable of inflicting for even the smallest disinclination to obey and to act as a pawn in his chess-game playing. The principle of the survival of the fittest holds true, once that all sense of justice and truth, morals, virtue and religiosity are burnt up in an incinerator. What a gluttonous hunger has captured everyone that lives?? Hunger for pelf and power, with passion and pride!! Each one wants another's self-surrender, more intense than we had ever approached even our God with. With the pride of God, everyone is heard to say, "Leave it to me", or "Don't worry" (Krishna's last words to Arjun), to anyone whom he has got into his clutches ; and he does not surely put an end to all the worry by cutting the throat itself. In any dealing whatsoever, as soon as there is the slightest shadow of any human being, the poison of one nature or another pours in.

There is an end to all hopefulness about the possible reformation of the world through morality and religion, unless a strong spiritual wave sweeps out all the present devilishness and unless there is a huge sacrifice by preachers of morality and religion, rich supporters and host of volunteers.T he greatest blunder of misunderstanding is, that whereas every smallest work requires an effort service and sacrifice, religiosity and morality have been expected to take care of themselves. It is a difficult task but has to be done. The happiest day would be the one when these muddy waters of adulterated western and eastern cultures settle down with water and clay separated. Let each one decide his own path and follow it, but let him belong to any one class or another. of culture, customs, life, outlook and ways of living, non-acceptance or acceptance of morality and religion, etc. Let one class leave another unaffected, undisturbed, unhampered and unmolested and let each class progress on its own selected path.

What is the master-mentality mostly prevalent today ?  Everyone thinks he is entitled to highest happiness, from the biggest to the beggar and that he is justified to take up all means and measures, fair or foul to have it.  There should be nothing like an outward or inward control. Is this not a contradiction in itself ??

Peter can't be rich without robbing Paul. These sorts of beliefs can result in nothing else except the stronger crushing and wiping out the weaker. Why not utilise the strength of the stronger to help the weaker, giving him the return of the higher nature? If, with these beliefs the world were to be happy, it would have been happier and happier, ere long. These theories enamor people because they see the favorable side. They do not see the reveres position. They are again not natural. Everyone wants to swallow the weaker but is not prepared to be swallowed up by the stronger. That shows the unnaturalness of the new thinking mentality on its very face. If people smilingly accept the principle of justice in the stronger swallowing the weaker, on both sides, equally and unmurmuringly, there remains no need of courts, rulers, morality and religion. But that is not so. We should have eyes to see things in their most natural forms.

Although some few may be in a better exceptional position of being stronger and taking care of themselves, the major portion of mankind requires protection.  Even the strongest man welcomes the protection for himself when he gets weak and for the weaker ones he loves or leaves after him. People do want safety, security and stability, controlled, governed and regulated by a much a higher force than one's own individual strength. You can not have that benefit, unless you yourself take an undertaking of maintaining the balance, by your personal control and discipline of strictly following the justice requirements in your own living. If you don't, there is always stronger than the strongest. On that undertaking alone by each one in a society, can depend the happy running of that particular society. Then alone the equilibrium of the world, consisting of millions of men, of different types and situations and circumstances, each one having someone who is more intellectual, more strong and more equipped, can be maintained.

The cry for equality is another similar humbug. None wants to share his happiness with millions of others, less happy than himself. Each one wants to utilise the principle of equality to claim his share in the matter of others in better position and situation than oneself. The plainest thing is everyone is for "more", more of a power, prosperity, peace, comfort, happiness and not for any particular axiomatic principle of truth, to be applied on both sides and all sides, favourably and adversely.

The task of setting things right is surely a difficult one; but that is not because of any inherent difficulty in the task itself, but because the fire of desire and determination, and the right of true illumination and continued consciousness, constitutional action, is entirely absent. It has been nobody's work, with interest and a responsible watchfulness to be anxious about the all-told degeneration of a whole community, nation or Hindu world itself, with its invisible acceleration.

That can be and should legitimately be a duty assignable to the religious custodians of a nation, provided they are helped and obeyed by the followers of a religion, that are true to their religion.

 Where can peace and happiness be found ?? The problem has been so often tackled and solved and again has got clouded and been lost and again tried and tackled anew, during the world's eternity in the past. The human animal dives and daubs itself in the mud-pond of the world, being infatuated with its mirage-ful waters, gets sickened after some time, thinks of divinity, washes itself under the spiritual springs, gets again tempted to the mud pond; and the alternate stages of divinity and brutality go round, for eternity. 

The word "brutal force" is again incomplete and misleading. Bless the day when the so-called brutal human world turns to be only an animal world. An animal has only an instinct. It does not go beyond the satisfaction of its little pleasure. A dog eats away your food, a cat sips away your milk, a goat chews away your plant and a donkey spoils your velvet carpet in the compound by rolling thereon. An ass enters any field as its own but leaves the field as soon as its hunger is finished. An animal knows only one thing - the immediate satisfaction of its hunger, though at any cost. But how little are we harassed, though in midst of them? What is their maximum demand, mischief and oppression?? Little or nothing, when compared with human beings.

Men are between deities and animals. They come down from being deity-like to be man-like. Their further stage of animal-like-ness is only quite a short passing phase. Just a stage of the few moments between one garment of yours and another, when you change them. Man immediately turns to be Satan-like after only counted moments of his animal-like-ness. Where can the whole development of Intellect and Will that he has passed through, while rising from the animal-ness to man-ness, go ?? He has receded two steps, only to take a much higher jump.

The satanic man speaks more wisely than deities themselves and acts more brutally than the animals themselves. The greatest masterpiece of his intellect is seen in the creation of perversions and delusions which keep the world in everlasting enslavement, ignorance and impenetrable darkness.

He spreads his thickest veil of blackness and casts his net to catch every fish that he can lay his hold on. He keeps on devising and executing plans and schemes that would keep the world spellbound and infatuated, and that would maintain his standing power over one and all, forever. More than three-fourths of this world is ruled by Satan and such Satan-like souls that look like merciful, straight and well-wishing benevolent deities.

Mother save Her surrendered sons from the clutches of Satanic souls !!

~ Extract from the Mai-ism book

Tuesday, 4 February 2020

Mother's Ideal is Religionisation of service.

The first requirement for the attainment of Mercy or Grace is " SERVICE WITH LOVE ". The service may be physical, mental or financial. Your giving to your Guru the benefit of your company at a nice dinner at his or another's place is no service, Your composing some few songs and in midst of praises, singing them before God and Guru is no service. Your giving your hand or shoulder to your Guru while coming out of his car is no service. As a matter of fact, you would be liked to be photographed in all these postures !!

Service by a disciple means a physical or mental activity, exertion and worry, with the mentality and humility of a household servant to his lifelong Master. A physical serving of the disciple is that action, which he would not have done in the usual walk of life, neither for any other person nor even for himself, and which few others would do. Guru's service means King's son collecting faggots, or a princess preparing herself without any one's help a dainty dish for her Guru. King Ambarish used to fetch water and grind grains for his Deity. That is service and such service alone can move Mother or guru.  The psychological working must be there. Your service must be solid, unique and emergent. It must give "thrusts" to your Guru and like the head thrusts of a calf must make the cow to milk. Your Guru should be pained to watch and observe the degree of humility, honesty, naturalness, selflessness and pain-staking-ness. He should feel he should never allow the same service to be repeated again. Your Guru should feel indebted as man to man and should be anxiously waiting, when you make a demand, when he would be able to free himself of the obligation, how he should make the return, what should be the best thing to be done for your welfare. Your service should be valuable deposit in the guru's mind. That is service and it is such a loving service alone that are blessed with handsome wonderful returns.

Once a man has the above full meaning of service required to attain Mercy or Grace, he is able to see that the financial service is the lowest type ( just the reverse of what modern people think) in the spiritual scales. The consideration with that outlook is not the usefulness of money to the Guru to meet his own requirements or for God's religious work, but the psychological one regarding the disciple. while you send a few chips to your Guru, you do not hand yourself to him. You have no humility, you have no benefit of the surrounding elevating atmosphere, You have no actual contact with the Guru. Your eyes do not meet those of your Guru. You do not get the benefit of a personal blessing with a Divine Touch on your head.

You are doing a thing, which anyone of your surroundings would have compelled you to do. A rupee by itself, without the accompanying love and service, is nothing more than what a cobbler or a tailor or an extravagant wife or a luxurious son or a daughter or discontented cook or a servant or an oppressive relative or a cheating friend or a clever pick-pocket, can so very easily deprive of you.

The financial service is, therefore, in its ultimate above sense, the lowest of the three varieties. People most miserably fail even there. If they can not make up  their mind and train it to feel satisfaction or consolation with the idea of " as if it was lost ", or " as if I had paid so much more to someone ", what other types of service and other things of spiritual development  they are capable of, Mother alone knows!!

The Founder says," You are welcome to catch my throat, but I assure you, the very idea of any service rendered to any suffering person having quite a straight and direct bearing with the pleasing of God, is not there. Service does not stand religionized. If, imagine, a Divine Mandate is issued, say, Chitragupta or the writer of the acts of every person has been issued instructions to note nothing about anyone except what he does by way of service to mankind, and if the world followed that religion, what a heavenly earth ours would be !!! It is not there. Why do you run me down so cruelly with blindfolded religious pride ??? Mother's Ideal is Religionisation of service. I again repeat. It is not religionised.

"I am not referring to what Hindu religion says or what Hindus have actually surely shown by their living in the past; I am sure the modern world ( after 1914, 1938 and 1947) has shown a quite contradictory belief. The only escape of defense of the defenders is dismissing quoted instances, as of exceptional people already irreligious or a hypocrite. I find the Hindu world getting degenerated to a hell. It may be only my experience. My ruthless and rustic way of saying things is that I have experienced this world to be heavenly up to 1914; from 1914 to 1938 it was a man's world; from 1938 to 1947 it was an animal world, but from 1947 it is the world of satans. The world may be heaven tomorrow. I do not deny, nor do I claim truth. I am recording only my honest conviction. It is my experience and conclusion. My observations after 1947, after the most impartial study of one and all of my daily experiences of things, are sated here.

  " Take any dealing with any person; there is no sweetness, but, pure and simple, often open and shameless, swallowing-ness, unless you are too strong or unless you both are in the temporary swimming bath of some artificial imaginary poetic or pleasure world. The world is not satisfied till the last drop of your goodness or sweetness is squeezed out from you and you are brought to the running usual animal-world-level. The very conception of mercifulness or gratefulness has disappeared. Mercy and goodness can be felt if there is any sense of justice in fundamental beliefs. Where is any question of gratefulness? if whatever the benefactor does, falls much below the expectations??

  "The average brain has lost all its anchors, standards and limits of justice, righteousness, straightforwardness, etc., and is in a speedy revolving whirl. If, as soon as anyone approaches you, you have to stand up with all your arms ready for an offensive or defensive, if even without any action there is a play of poison-gas from both the storage centres of virulent poisons, where can you hope to find a single atom of innocent joy ?? Be innocent like a lamb, and you soon have the fate of a lamb, under the knife.!!

  "To be failing in exploiting or squeezing out any man, likely to receive any advantage whatsoever from your any act or thought word or deed, is in itself the highest loss in the eyes of this modern age. People want to make out money or serve their selfishness for every moment that they live and for every act that proceeds from them or can be interpreted as having proceeded from them. People come with loud declarations to serve religion, but they have either the desire of making the show of serving, while actually doing nothing, or to be the master of the situation, and of the Guru or Saint, himself. Disinterested service to Religion is a matter of past. I am not speaking of the spiritual, mental or other world's future interest; but here and here alone, of the material gain of this world alone. People that come forth to serve religion, take away many times much more of the material gain than what they can get from any other ordinary man of the world. The world is passing from the stage of "service" and "absence of service," to "exploitation of religiosity in the name of service."  Mother save the world." !!

~ Extract from MAI-ISM book edition 1952

Monday, 3 February 2020

Love and hate play wonderful part.

Mai-ism believes that all acts of virtue, goodness, morality, justice, truth, etc. or their opposites can be subsumed under any of the three classifications, viz. love, indifference and hatred. Love opens up the treasure-house of all goodness, virtue, peace of mind and true happiness. Hatred results in betrayals, defiance, condemnation, injuries and harmfulness of the most painful and oppressive nature.

Thus, we are finally speaking about Love and Hate. Longings and aversions are as good a man's constituents as happiness and misery. Thus, love and hate play a more wonderful part than one can imagine. You go on developing that element of Love for your God and Guru. You automatically become a better and better man, without yourself getting conscious about it.

    Love and Devotion are the last words, as remedial elements. Your whole series of virtues and vices have their origin in the love and hate that you bear to the man you deal with.

This, the Founder explains on pages 125-126 and 161-162 of Part II of Mai Sahasranama (Vol.I).

    Few people understand why in Mai-ism, Love is so much valued and why the first requirement is " Love All ". It becomes yet still more difficult for them that have no discrimination of " Love and Lust ", "interested and disinterested".

    All goodness, virtue, happiness and peace of mind results from Love. Love or the feeling of unity of all different selves in and with Mother and one's own self is creative of order, organisation, consolidation, equilibrium and tranquility.

    It is Love that develops a particular admirable type of emotion, character and behavior.

    Love helps, gives, prays, feels grateful, appreciates and returns,, gives and shares.

    Love results in trust, faith, cheerfulness, contentment, forbearance, magnanimity, mercy, forgiveness, confidence, honesty, dignity, charity, etc.

What is Love? It is liking, being attracted to, feeling pleasure in, being ready to sacrifice for, wishing to be nearer to, burning with the desire of embracing and being embraced by, absorbing and being absorbed in, pulling and being pulled in by intense living. Love has as its symptoms Mahatva, Mamatva, Sankocha-Rahitva, Seva, Samagama and Samarpana (overvaluing, feeling of myness, non-difference feeling, service, a desire of constant contact, and self-surrender).

    Love is levelisation. Filling in the deficiency, usurping the excessive-ness, longing for satisfying the requirements and gratifying, reciprocating, confiding in, and being confided with, sharing joys and sorrows with, feeling an excruciating pain in forsaking or being forsaken by.

    Love is the root of all virtues and the sacrificing struggle for realization of unity. Love has its own limitlessness, mysteriousness and miraculous-ness. Love is strength and fearlessness and regenerative-ness. Love is humility, patience, forbearance and endurance.

    Love is the power of fulfilling and conquering.  Love is the power of expansion and transformation.

    Sublimation of Love secures Salvation.

 ~ Maiism / Saint Mai Swarup Mai Markand 

God as Mother

There are three principal ways of looking at God, religiously. God as one Supreme Self, of which we little selves are reflections, God as Fa...