Mother would explain the paradox thus:
Do you think it is the laying down and explaining certain best recipes of a religion, that can make the world happy? No. Do you think it is the ceaseless effort of understanding of truths, that entitles men to be happy? No. Do you think the world is unhappy and miserable, without its own evils and sins? No.
All is delusion. And yet, know this, the secret of secrets. Enjoyment and Happiness proceeds from Relinquishment, to the extent you throw away things of the world. " Love alone is the Teacher of Relinquishment. Service concretises Love.
They become happy who love and serve Me and whom I love. The claim to be happy finally rests on Love and Service to Me and Mine, with devotion and self-surrender.
Neither people can change matters nor you. What is people's highest self-control before Nature's urge from within? And what can your highest effort do unless I move the keys of people's hearts? "
And yet the paradoxical position that you are weeping about saves the world and is the keynote of the secret working.
"It was true of everyone that was, is, and will be, dearest to Me. There is no human working that permanently helps. It is only My Will. The usefulness of all working of people, or God's dearest devotees proceeds from quite a distant irrelevant invisible thing."
To repeat, it is this: " Those who love and serve Me, My dearest and My children, will be saved". "World as a whole will be run on the basis of its collective merit, but individuals will be saved". The rest is all Maya's befooling of mankind, through delusions of authorship, ownership, actorship, etc., and misunderstandings through networks of causes and effects, distinctions and differences, mine and thine, etc.
" Millions have preached religion. Where is happiness? Millions have mechanically obeyed Divine Laws laid down in scriptures. Where is happiness? The bestower of happiness is I myself. There is nothing like any person's claim thereto in virtue of any well-earned dues or any deservedness."
" The Lover, The Server, and The Surrenderer to Me or Mine alone wins the highest victory of happiness." The rest is only a temporary mirage-like satisfaction and a passing talk, a word-forth, a speedy revolving of the motor-wheel raised above ground; the meter would read miles but the motor stands where it has stood.
Extract from the book: MAI-ISM
Author : Mai Swarup Mai Markand ( The Founder of Universal Religion Maiism )
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